How to write good: Never overlook the power of proofreading

As we gear up this Monday for an onslaught of social media commentary, take a moment to consider the written word.

Simple misspellings, grammatical missteps and improper word usage can muddy the waters of online debate.

Putting aside for a moment the rampant befuddlement over “your” and “you’re,” most problems can be avoided simply by taking a moment to read what’s been written before posting.

And while autocorrect has created many hilarious, but unintentional, text messages, more often than not, it can save you from an unnecessary blunder.

Count to 10, reread your post, then hit SEND.


Author: Media Octopus

I run a Victoria, B.C.-based consulting firm providing website content management, workflow solutions, graphic design, writing and editing, and media expertise.

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